Winter Maintenance

Logan has spent much of the Winter and Spring doing maintenance on various aircraft.  This year he purchased a single post hoist that has proved invaluable.  The hoist is on wheels to enable him to move aircraft around the hangar and to work at various heights. At the moment we have three aircraft in the hangar.  TNB has had some major work done on its wings.  They have been completely stripped down, refabricated and painted. 


TNB is now ready to fly home.  MWL arrived yesterday for some work on its belly and PKT is in for some minor repairs. The workshop is fully equipped for repairs, fibre glassing, and painting.


MWL up on hoist                              Dave Leefe and Ross Marfell                          Logan putting PKT up on hoist       Logan preparing PKT for painting



 Ross giving TNB its final polish                    Logan fabricating wings TNB         Stripped down wings   TNB                              Early coat of paint TNB