Jabiru to Rotax Change Over - ZK LPD

I recently have had an engine failure in my Jabiru powered Alpi Pioneer 300 and have decided to write about my experience. 

My story starts around June in 2014 when I was thinking about upgrading my Skyranger Swift microlight to get something slightly faster to fly down to Rangiora to see my children and grandchildren.  After looking on Trade Me, I embarked on a road trip that took me down to Bluff and as far north as Matamata looking at various aircraft that might have been better suited for regular trips down South.  Every microlight I looked at, had for one reason or another not appealed to me, but with limited funds I was limited in what I could realistically afford.

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Darfield Flyin Fundraiser


The Darfield fundraiser for the local fire brigade was attended by a group of proud Alpi Pioneer owners.  Weather was good with a great turnout of all types of planes, cars and displays.

Always a good display from our local ag pilot.


Return to Flying by Kevin Dore

It was the South Island Agricultural Field days at Kirwee in late March last year that really got me back into flying.

I had snuck away from the office around lunchtime and joined a friend to stroll around and take in the exhibits with little more than idle curiosity as an objective.  After a spot of lunch on the go, my friend, who had arrived an hour or so before me, said "you're interested in planes, did you see that plane down on the far row?" "Plane! What plane?" I asked in a tone of genuine excitement and anticipation.

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Kevin and Kate enjoying their Pioneer 200 Hawk

Kevin Dore and his partner Kate took ownership of their new Pioneer 200 Hawk January 2016.  Kevin has already clocked up 85 hours and can be seen out and about most weekends around the country.



Kate at Rangitata Island Anzac Weekend 2016                                             Kevin and Kate